Staffing for performance and holding personnel accountable is critical in today’s marketplace. Sheriff 5 Star will point out the importance of service advisors primary task which is to sell service and create customer relationships. Proper staffing, structure, training and accountability will increase the service department’s gross profit dramatically. There is balance between realistic sales performance, customer handling expectations and the duties including number of repair orders that service advisors can be expected to handle in a day. In addition, what other duties are your service advisors performing? Are they booking the repair orders? Are they the cashier as well? Do they code warranty? How many repair orders do they handle per day excluding carry-overs?
The Sheriff 5 Star approach incorporates an effective selling process through interactive reception on the service driveway. There are 3 distinct stages of a service sale and each stage has labor sales per transaction associated it. If your service department does not have an effective walk around presentation by the advisor with the customer at the Point of Sale , you are missing at least .50 labor hours per transaction. Service advisors developing a relationship with the customer through an interactive selling process creates value, increases customer satisfaction while generating additional revenue.
True incentive pay plans pay their own way and increase dealership profits. Having the proper pay plan structure which realistically holds the employee accountable for performance will benefit the employee, dealer and customer. This is accomplished following a departmental forecast, sales training, and realistic job description of tasks expected.
While we have a wide geographic range of clients and franchises, dealer clients are experiencing gross profit increases of $ 15,000 - $ 70,000 per month after implementing The Sheriff 5 Star System.
Fixed Operations Pay Plans (read more)
Hudson Nissan
When I called the Sheriff 5 Star Fixed Operations Consulting references , I was somewhat skeptical of the dramatic financial results that his company helped dealers attain in fixed ops, including the results within our own company stores. Within a few days of service advisor and management training our customer pay labor and parts profits increased significantally and I became a believer. My service department has increased fixed ops gross profit approximately 34% every month and I feel the relationship with Sheriff 5 Star is one of the best decisions we have made for improving profits and processes in fixed ops.
Steven Ossenkopp
Service manager
Hudson Nissan
Hudson, NJ.