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Doubled Sales per R.O.
How One Dealership Doubled Sales Per R.O. ($325 to Over $625) - Sheriff 5 Star Automotive Fixed Operations Consulting - Liquid Service Menus

Case Study: How Good Brothers Dodge RAM Changed their Service Process and Doubled Sales per R.O.

Offering Details of What They Did… Backed Up With Actual Financial Statement Results!


Register Now:

June 22, 1PM Eastern

Following a personal introduction by Gerry Good, the President of Good Brothers Dodge RAM… on how and why he entered into this journey of remarkable growth and improvement… You will discover why…

Theory is great, but when you can actually study the journey of one of your dealership colleagues, the value of the information communicated is vastly magnified in importance and relevance to your own experience


Featuring: John Sheriff and Steve Kwiatkowski

Join John Sheriff, a professional Fixed Operations Specialist as he reveals the process that Good Brothers Dodge RAM of Weymouth MA followed in this process improvement that resulted in moving the needle on Service Department Sales from:


Labor Hours Per Repair Order – Improved From 1.67 hrs/R.O. to over 2.5


Sales Per Repair Order - Improved from $325/R.O. to over $625

This workshop will provide a handout on which you can score your own service operations and experience as well as a means to plot and measure your own improvements! The Handout will be provided as a download during the live webinar broadcast.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to witness an Actual Case Study and its detailed financial results!


Thursday, June 22, 1PM Eastern


If you need help increasing service department profits, service forecasting, service advisor training, service menus, service personnel pay plans, customer satisfaction processes or work distribution systems please call 401-450-2549 or fill the request form.

Sheriff 5 Star Automotive Operations Consulting


Automotive Operating Systems


Call for consultation  401-450-2549
•  john@sheriff5star.com • fixedoperationsconsulting.com

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