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Dealer Results > Ford Service Performance -

Ford Service Performance


Dec Y.T.D Average

Cp labor and Parts Performance

Per Repair Order Performance 

  March  $ Increase % Increase
$ 73.98 CP labor GP $106.97 $32.92 44.50%
$31.33 CP parts GP $ 39.58 $8.25   26.33%
$105.31 Total CP labor & parts GP $148.64 $41.17 39.09%
$110.16   CP labor sales $143.13 $32.97  29.93%
$ 87.04 CP part sales $104.17 $17.13 19.68%
$195.84 Total CP labor & part sales $247.30 $51.46   26.28%
1.62 Cp Hrs. R.O 2.03 .41  25.31%
$68.07 CP ELR $74.45 $6.38 9.37%
68% CP labor GP 70.78% 2.78% 4.09%
604 CP R.O Count 624 20 3.31%


624 CP R.O’s * $51.46 /R.O = monthly CP labor & part sales increase       $ 32,111.04

624 CP R.O’s * $41.17/R.O = monthly Cp labor & parts GP increase          $ 25,690.08

624 CP R.O’s * 32.92 /R.O = monthly CP Labor GP increase                        $ 20,542.08

If you need help increasing service department profits, service forecasting, service advisor training, service menus, service personnel pay plans, customer satisfaction processes or work distribution systems please call 401-450-2549 or fill the request form.

Sheriff 5 Star Automotive Operations Consulting


Automotive Operating Systems


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